What we can
do for
Your partner for commerical, industrial, municipal, and high-density residential projects within Southwestern Ontario.

Site Grading

From small commercial additions to multi-unit subdivisions, you can depend on us for grading projects of any scale.

We believe site grading is an art and we take our craft seriously. Our skilled operators paired with industry-leading grading technology allow us to deliver centimetre-level accuracy on every project.

Site Servicing

Meet the underground design requirements for your development project with our complete water, storm and sanitary services division.

Our crews are committed to high-quality infrastructure installations that allow for clean water supply and environmentally-safe stormwater management.


Work with experienced operators who utilize cutting-edge equipment to push the limits of what’s possible with site excavation.

Our team can handle subgrade preparation, detailed foundation work, underground parking structures, press pits, retaining walls and other specialty projects. And with our 3D grading technology, we can perform complex excavation work with advanced precision.


Complete all the earthwork required on your site with a partner you can trust to do it right.

Our highly skilled team welcomes any earthwork challenge with our full range of excavators, bulldozers, and rock trucks. Whether we’re transferring 2,000 or 200,000 cubic meters of material, we’ll move your project forward.

Precision at every level

“D.W. Cooper has been a valuable partner on our sites for the last 15 years. Regardless of the scale of project, they’ve been able to tackle the civil work in an efficient manner at a high-quality level.  Their expertise, experience, and consistency make it easy to keep calling them back.”

Nathan Lancaster – Lanca Contracting Limited


[email protected]
22 Garnet Rd, Brantford, Ontario N3T 5M1